martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Without you

If you want to win my heart
Is it what you want?
So you have
I can't listen to my mind
Well, since I hear your voice
Just thinking about you
And it is that you only wish you
I found the love in your eyes
I can't live without you
And it is that I think I love
And you know
I love crazy just went
back to listen to your voice
I can't live without you
I think I go crazy Just listen to your voice
The emotion
Just thinking about you
If my heart is beating
because you do is you want
more and more

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

Information about my Blog

Hi. My name is Samantha and I'm fourteen years old. This is the first article I write. This blog is to think about the songs I write. I will publish them one by one. I also like the Jonas Brothers, so it also publishes something about them.
